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Green Tea : 7 Proven Benefits Organic Green Tea

Organic Green Tea

Green Tea Top 7 Benefits: The No. 1 Anti-Aging Beverage at Home Remedy

What Is Green Tea?

What are different green teas made of exactly, and are they totally natural? Green, black and oolong teas come from the Camellia sinensis plant. Green tea consists of leaves that haven’t been fermented so they contain the highest level of antioxidants. For example, flavonoid antioxidants account for about 30 percent of the dry weight of green tea leaves.

 Organic Green Tea

Some of the antioxidants and healing compounds found in green tea include polyphenols, catechins and various other types of flavonoids — the same anti-aging compounds found in things like red wine, blueberries, and dark chocolate. Despite that it does contain small amounts of caffeine, green tea consumption has been associated with more health benefits than even many of the healthiest foods available to us. Studies have found that the benefits of green tea are due to the fact green tea contains more healing compounds than many other herbs, spices, fruits, and vegetables, truly making it a powerful “superfood.” 

Green Tea Top 7 Benefits

Top 7 Benefits of Green Tea

What does green tea do once you drink it that promotes better health and longevity? 
The Mayo Clinic summarized some of the findings about green tea in 2008. A combination of epidemiological and population studies seem to suggest that drinking tea may: 

  1. Reduce atherosclerosis and risk of heart disease
  2. Lower blood pressure
  3. Reduce cholesterol levels
  4. Reduce inflammation in arthritis cases
  5. Improve bone density
  6. Improve memory
  7. Prevent cancer

Green Tea is the very common home remedy for home Green Tea get Glowing Skin Very Fast Natural Home Remedies Asian Countries like Pakistan India Bangladesh and other gulf region people use to take Green Tea in their daily meal. 

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