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DXN Cordyceps Health Benefits Price

DXN Cordyceps Tabs

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high cholesterol
In addition, cordyceps is purported to improve athletic performance, stimulate the immune system, boost libido, slow the ageing process, and promote detox. Some proponents also suggest that cordyceps can protect against cancer.

Benefits of Cordyceps

To date, few clinical trials have tested the health effects of cordyceps. However, preliminary research suggests that cordyceps may offer certain health benefits. Here's look at some key study findings:

1) Exercise Performance

So far, research on the performance-enhancing effects of cordyceps has yielded mixed results. In a pilot study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2010, for instance, daily intake of cordyceps supplements appeared to improve exercise performance in a small group of older adults. (The study involved 20 healthy individuals, ages 50 to 75.) On the other hand, a 2004 study of 22 male cyclists (published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism) found that five weeks of supplementation with cordyceps had no effect on participants' aerobic capacity or endurance.

2) Aging

In a 2009 study published in Physiotherapy Research, scientists discovered that treatment with cordyceps helped improve brain function and increase antioxidant activity in aging mice.

3) Diabetes

Published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine), a 2002 study on rats showed that cordyceps may help fight insulin resistance (a condition linked to increased diabetes risk).

4) Cancer

Preliminary studies suggest that cordyceps holds promise for protection against some forms of cancer. In tests on human cells, for example, the authors of a 2008 study from the Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology found that cordyceps may help increase immune defense against breast cancer.

Additionally, a 2007 study on human cells (published in the Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials) determined that cordyceps may inhibit the spread of colon cancer.

5) Strep Infections

Cordyceps may help protect against group A streptococcal infections (such as strep throat), according to a 2005 study from the Journal of Medical Microbiology. In tests on mice, researchers found that cordyceps helped decrease the growth and spread of streptococcus bacteria.


Little is known about the safety of taking cordyceps in the long term. However, there's some concern that cordyceps may lower blood sugar levels.

Where to Find DXN Cordyceps

Widely available for purchase online, cordyceps can also be found in many natural-foods stores (as well as stores specialising in dietary supplements). Contact me at facebook

Should You Take Cordyceps for Health Purposes?

Due to a lack of supporting research, it's too soon to recommend cordyceps for treatment or prevention of any health problem. If you're considering the use of cordyceps for any chronic condition, make sure to consult your doctor before starting your supplement regimen.

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  1. Yes, the benefits of taking cordyceps are many as you mentioned. And personally I know some more about cordycepes powder and it is really good for human body.
