DXN Ganozi Tooth Paste in Urdu
Ganozhi Toothpaste Price in Pakistan.
You must be looking to buy DXN Ganozhi Toothpaste with benefits, there are lots of ganozhi toothpaste benefits along in one tube, you can call it magical tube which can be solve your lots of issues alone.
Buy DXN Ganozhi Tooth Paste 150gms Online in Pakistan With Free Delivery Anywhere in Pakistan
Contact 0344 2117822
DXN Ganozhi Ganoderma Toothpaste (called Ganozhi) contains high quality Ganoderma extract, food gel (sodium alginate derived from seaweed), and menthol (for flavour). Ganozhi Toothpaste is 100% fluoride-free, no saccharin and no artificial coloring. It contains high-quality Ganoderma, food gel and menthol.