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Top 10 Uses for Noni Fruit

DXN Morinzhi Morinzyum Benefits 

Maintaining good health requires more than just dietary changes and management, it is also important to take measures to ensure that the body is getting the antioxidants and nutrients that it needs. The noni fruit is a beneficial part of any health plan. By understanding the noni benefits, it is easier to create a realistic health plan.
1.)   Natural and Organic Preventative
Uses for noni start with the preventative benefits. The fruit is full of compounds that benefit the human body and improve health. In fact, the noni fruit has 165 healthy compounds in a raw and unfermented form. It helps prevent health problems from developing and encourages graceful aging.
2.)   Raw Fruit has a High Potency
The raw form of the noni fruit has a high potency and large number of nutrient compounds. Noni Fruit Leather does not need any preservatives and is free of any additives. The high potency means that it does not require chemical and unhealthy preservatives to maintain the flavor and health benefits.  In contrast,noni juice is diluted, as any juice is.
3.)   Boosts Energy Levels
The noni fruit is full of healthy nutrients that help boost energy levels and encourage the body to use the energy from foods more effectively. Not only does it help increase energy, it helps digestive health concerns so that the body can properly digest and use the nutrients in foods.
4.)   High Antioxidant Levels
Noni fruit leather has more than 110 times the amount of healthy antioxidants than apples.  Clinical Research has shown Noni Fruit Leather to have 340,000 units of anitodxidants as compared to 3082 units in Apples. 
5.)   Reduces Pain
Noni fruit has natural anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties. As a result, it can help reduce pain when it is taken internally or rubbed on the injured part of the body. It is particularly helpful for inflammatory pain, such as arthritis, because it naturally helps reduce inflammation throughout the body. Taking Noni Fruit Leather internally helps address what is causing the symptoms of pain. Applying noni lotion topically gives immediate relief from pain and inflammation. Noni Lavender Lotion and IcyHeat Noni Lotion are the two best noni lotions on the market currently.
6.)   Helps Improve Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes
Diet plays an important role in the health and well-being of anyone who is diagnosed with diabetes. A high blood sugar level can be very dangerous and can damage nerves throughout the body. Noni benefits can help reduce blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy blood sugar.
7.)   Reduce Blood Pressure
As an added benefit, research has shown that Noni is especially helpful in lowering cholesterol levels and bringing them back into balance.       
8.)   Long Shelf Life
Noni Fruit Leather has a natural shelf-life of 2 years, even when it is not refrigerated. You can feel confident that the Noni Fruit Leather will not go bad.
9.)   Clean Wounds
Noni fruit has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Clean out wounds and then put a small amount of a topical noni product on the injury. In particular Noni Bio Bandage is great for this. It will help prevent infections from bacteria. Furthermore, putting the topical noni lotion on fungal infections can help clear away the infection before it spreads.
10.)  Improve Pet Health
The uses of noni are not limited to the health benefits in humans. Pets can eat the noni fruit and see the same health benefits (when it is taken on a consistent basis) over time. Pets may eat the Noni Fruit Leather for maintenance of over all good health and as a natural flea preventive. The topical Noni Lavender Lotion can help reduce pain in pets, stop itching and prevent infections.
Noni fruit is a natural and healthy way to improve personal health. It prevents diseases, helps heal the body and reduces pain. These are several benefits that make it an important part of a health plan.

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