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DXN MycoVeggie

DXN  MycoVeggie the dust carefully selected herbs, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, as well as Chinese green tea and a mixture of spirulina. Low-fat, cholesterol-free, water-soluble and non-water-soluble fiber rich. Added sugar, preservatives, colorings and other additives are not included.
One of the ingredients contained in the product are of bolhafű or mucous plantain (Plantago psyllium) and celery (Apium graveolens) fruits (seeds), the kislevelű of Mulberry (Morus microphylla) and Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) leaves. The plantaginaceae harvest (core) used for centuries by both the Indian medicine (āyurveda) and traditional Chinese medicine. Mainly due to diarrhea, hemorrhoids, constipation, urinary problems and the improvement of people's living conditions in high blood pressure treatment is recommended. In European folk medicine in the sixteenth century. around the 20th century, the use of the bolhafű. IN THE 17TH CENTURY. century English herbalista, Nicholas Culpeper (1616-1654) of The Complete Herbal (c). the bolhafű core of inflammations, gout, hemorrhoids and the nursing mothers against emlőgyulladása (mastitis) was recommended.
The main active ingredients: plantain seed slimy mucus-heteroploiszacharid (10-12%, mainly arabinoxilan, rhamnogalacturonan), fatty oils, protein, hemicellulose, etc.

Today's scientific literature the slimy gyógyhatásokat the following seed plantain is attributed to:-in the case of diarrhea the seeds absorb excess bodily fluids, this normalized the stools, constipation, loose texture-taken with a mild laxative (laxáns) effect in the case of hemorrhoids can relieve the pain of hemorrhoids, bleeding and itching. These are the effects of humidity and the volume of the stool also hardness can be attributed to normalization.
-cholesterol lowering kaszatermése celery (Apii fructus), often known as zellermagnak, is a natural diuretic, used since ancient times. The ancient Greeks gave the winning zellerbort athletes. Throughout history, the city has an eclectic variety of contained almost all of the celery seed as well. The traditional Indian medicine (āyurveda) celery crop of vizelethajtónak, as well as for colds, influenza, indigestion, joint inflammation, as well as the Elimination of the diseases has been used to treat liver and spleen.
In the middle ages the Benedictine rendfőnöknője, famous for the excellent herbalista, Hildegard von Bingem (1098-1179) that "anyone could obsess the gout, crush to powder, celery seeds, because it is the best remedy. John Gerard (1545-1611/12) according to the seed increases the urinary secretion. Nicholas Culpeper, also vizelethajtónak, also vízkórban (congestive heart failure) sufferers offered.

The main active ingredients: essential oil seed (2-3%, which is 60%, limonént 10% contains α-szelinént), butyl ftalidok (sedanolid, sedanenolid, n-butyl phthalide), C-prenil-coumarins (osztenol, apigravin, celerin), furanokumarinok (apiumetin, apiumosid), flavonoids. 
The zellermagnak of today's scientific literature attributed to the following gyógyhatásokat: diuretic, antibacterial, soothing, simaizomgörcsoldó, antifungal.

The kislevelű of Mulberry (Morus microphylla) in North America, in the State of Texas in the United States in the first line, native, 3-7 m tall growing tree, which in our country is to grow. Phytotherapy white (Morus alba) and black eperfák (Morus nigra) leaf, as well as crop used, however, only known to us as no mention of a monograph that will be used for medical purposes kislevelű Mulberry leaves. The composition of the kislevelű letter of elucidation of the mulberry tree is certainly serious similarities to the above-mentioned letter of two Mulberry. The list of active substances to be listed also in the light of the above, the drug is presented in two: 2-6% routine and other flavonoids, sterol, organic and amino acids.

The black and white mulberry leaves, various tea blends, especially DURING WORLD WAR II. Tip. used in the treatment of diabetes sufferers are additional. The traditional Chinese medicine of the white mulberry (leaves, fruit, bark, root) is used. The curative power of the letter, i.e. (I) (II) to century lived in the Shen Nong's famous gyógynövénykönyvében (Shen Nong Bencao jing), also about the curative power of the rest of the plant, however, only much later works make mention.

The Ginkgo tree (Ginkgo biloba) living history. The only surviving representative of ancient Gymnosperms. Native to South-East China, can reach a height of 30 metres. Our country is mainly planted in díszfának. Leaves are 3-4 cm long with handle and 4-8 cm wide, have a levéllemezzel fan. The traditional Chinese medicine aszthma, high blood pressure (hypertension), tinnitus, elmeszesedés coronary heart (angina pectoris) is used.
In Europe alone there are people's medical notes from France, where in the case of varicose veins and diabetes origin was érbántalmak.
The main active ingredients: ginkgo leaf 0,02 – 0,2% diterpén-Lactone ginkgolid, (B), (C), (J); 0.02 – 0.6% sesquiterpene Lactone-bilobalid; 0.5-2% of flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin glycosides and izorhamnetin); biflavon (bilobetin, amentoflavon, ginkgetin); procyanidinek. 

The ginkgo leaf extracts of Hypericum: Most major (extract tincture) is used, the letter is almost never. Increases the brain's oxygen deficit against the tolerance of the agyszövetet protects the inhibited effects of assisting vérellátásból and hipoxiából, inhibiting the development of cerebral edema respectively. speeds up to visszafejlődését, increase the risk of cognitive decline, learning ability and antioxidant effects.
The first line of the above effects the Diterpenes and flavonoids are responsible. The above effects due to ginkgo kivobatokat and other preparations made from leaves by official medicine is also used. The drug is given in annex VIII. Hungarian Pharmacopoeia and the 6. Also included in the European Pharmacopoeia, is well documented in herbal medicine.

The MycoVeggie EU powder ingredients: plantain (Plantago psyllium) slimy seeds, celery (Apium graveolens) kislevelű seed, mulberry (Morus microphylla) leaf, Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) leaves, Ginger (Zingiber officinale) rootstock, Indian lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus), shii-take mushroom (Lentinula edodes), álpereszke (Lyophyllum decastes) group, calocybe gambosa (Calocybe gambosa), bearded tooth (Hericium erinaceus) China, Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus pulmonarius) summer, corn (Zea mays), lime (Citrus aurantifolia), Orange (Citrus sinensis), Spirulina platensisChinese tea (Camellia sinensis) leaf, mandarin Peel (Pericarpium Citri reticulatae), cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) bark, fruit of star anise (Illicium verum), clove (Eugenia caryophyllus) flower.

The product is available in 400 g packages. In the product box scoops.
Warning: IT is IMPORTANT to: (a) DXN 23,26% EU MYcoVeggie powder contains glutinous útifűmagot. The consumption of the product with allergies should avoid útifűfélékre!
Important: the use of vesegyulladásban in the case of people suffering from seed is contraindicated.
Important: the product contains Ginkgo-8,14% letter. When you take on a transitional basis, in rare instances, mild stomach upset, headaches or allergic reactions may occur. Acetylsalicylic acid and véralvadásgátlókat in the case of those taking Ginkgo on a regular basis-containing products are to be considered.
The effect of supplied water in measured port or take!

References Abraham, Zara, d. Mehta, Tara: Three-week psyllium husk supplementation: Effect on plasma cholesterol concentrations, fecal steroid excretion, and carbohydrate absorption in men. In: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1988. Vol. 47. Issue 1. pp. 67? 74.
Castelman, Michael: Herbal encyclopedia: a basic guide to the gyógyszereihez of nature. [2. spend.]. Ford. Dr. Ivan Belianske Tatras, Dr. Gary Sage, Andrew. London: Prospect Publishing House, 1995. (The Healing Herbs). 477 p. ISBN 963 5830 31 9 Herbs for health: herbs, herbal drugs and their knowledge. Ed. Dr. Agnes Kery. 4. unchanged reprint. Budapest: trade and Tourism Training Ltd., 2005. 253 p. ISBN 963 637 201 2 Gyógynövénytár: a guide to modern herbal application. Ed. Kalman Szendrei, Desiderius Jar. Budapest: Medicina Publishing House Ltd., 2009. 563 p. 226 226 ISBN 978 963 0 Moesgaard, Flemming et al.: High-fiber Diet Reduces Bleeding and Pain in Patients with Hemorrhoids: A Double-blind Trial of Vi-Siblin?. In: Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1982. Vol. 25. Issue 5. 456.454 pp.?
Penelope ody: Chinese herbs. Ford. Kinga Lifa. London: Scolar Publishing House, 2007. Without secrets. (Secrets of Chinese Herbal Medicine). 223 p. ISBN 978 963 9534 91 9 [Dr.] Szabó László Gy.: Herbalist-awareness information: pharmacists: physicians: a gardener and agrármérnököknek: biológiatanároknak. EW: Schmidt und co.: Pécs: Melius Foundation, 2005. 302 p. ISBN 963 218 185 9 [Dr.] Laszlo Toth: Herbs: herbal medicine: Drugs. 4. spend. [Chicago]: University of Debrecen press, 2009. 588 p. ISBN 978 963 472 916 7

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