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Mycovita(Ganoderma) Protect Patient From Chemotheraphy Side Effects

MycoVita - DXN Marketing Sdn. Bhd.

I  had came across with quiet a fair number of cancer cases that need to gone through chemotherapy mostly intravenously (needle in the vein) and Oral chemo medications (taken by mouth) for cancer treatment.

As with the most of drugs, chemotherapy drugs do have side effects.  Side effects of chemotherapy are unwanted things that happen as a direct result of taking a drug into body.  It is easy to confuse drug side effects with symptoms of cancer in body.  Symptoms are the things that happen as a direct result of the cancer and have nothing to do with the drug.  

Different chemotherapy drugs have different short term and long term side effects and certainly not all chemotherapy drugs cause every side effect.   In general, chemotherapy damages cells that are dividing, so the parts of the body where normal cells divide frequently are likely to be affected by chemotherapy.  The mouth, intestines, skin, hair, bone marrow (the spongy material that fills your bones and produces new blood cells) are commonly affected by chemotherapy.  Hair is growing all the time. The skin is constantly renewing itself. So are the lining of the mouth and digestive system.  To do this, the cells of all these body tissues must constantly divide to produce a steady supply of new cells.  And when cells are dividing, chemotherapy drugs can attack them.

But, from passed experiences, i  had noticed that these side effects can be reduce very much if the patient were taking Mycovita. The most obvious was the hair of the patient not dropping. Some of them also experienced same energy level as before taking Chemotherapy.

Information concerning Ganoderma in treating cancer collected from research reports are listed below:

1. The anti-cancer component of Ganoderma are polysaccariddes and germanium.
2. Its efficacy is of additional efficacy and multiplicative efficacy. Taken separately, no effects can be obtained. 
3. It can strengthen stamina, elevate the immune system, and restrain cancer metatassis.
4. After undergoing surgery, it is helpful to patients with cancer such as, esophageal, breast, intestinal, fat accumulationand uterine cancer.
5. It can eliminate cancerous ascites, increase appetite, and relieve the pain of the late stage cancer.
6. It can be used together with other cancer treatments, such as surgery, radiation or combined with chemotheraphy. It has no side effects and is effective.

Search terms:

Mycovita(Ganoderma) Protect Patient From Chemotherapy Side Effects

Chemotheraphy in pakistan
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Cancer Treatment by dxn products
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